Non teño información de Fuego só sei que aparte deste single teñen outro que non escoitei pero o Dr Reseso di que non vale moito, tampouco a cara A deste así que escollemos "Emigrando a...", un gran tema de folk-pop, cunha letra que non está mal, rico en harmonias vocais e na que tódolos instrumentos están perfectos, os punteos da acústica, o ambiente do piano e os arranxos de cordas. Entre Crosby, Stll & Nash e America.
Galego-English polo Dr Google
I have no information of Fuego only know that from this that not only has another but Dr. Reseso says is not worth much, so we choose "Emigrando a. ..", a major theme of folk-pop, with a good wordsl, rich in harmony vocals and all instruments which are perfect, the acustic guitar solos, the atmosphere of the piano, the strings. Between CS&N and America.
Galego-English polo Dr Google
I have no information of Fuego only know that from this that not only has another but Dr. Reseso says is not worth much, so we choose "Emigrando a. ..", a major theme of folk-pop, with a good wordsl, rich in harmony vocals and all instruments which are perfect, the acustic guitar solos, the atmosphere of the piano, the strings. Between CS&N and America.
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