mércores, 3 de xuño de 2009

T.C. ATLANTIC Live At The Bel-Rae Ballroom (LP, Eva, 1983)

Moi pouco interese ten este disco que merquei hai anos pero estou de limpeza e antes de desfacerme del decidín que ao mellor hai alguén con certa curiosidade a pesar que todo xoga na súa contra tanto a gravación en directo como que sexa un produto do nada recomendable selo francés Eva. As notas en inglés son de Bad Cat.

For a brief period in the mid-1960s T.C. Atlantic was one Minnesota's most popular club acts. Hailing from St. Paul Park, the band sported a lineup consisting of drummer Rod Eaton, singer/keyboard player Freddy Freeman, bassist Joe Kanan and lead guitarist Bob Wells.

After a few singles, 1967 saw the band given an opportunity to record an album. Released by the local Dove label, "Recorded Live at the Bel-Rae Ballroom" captured the group in a club environment. Featuring an all covers set, tracks such as "I Think It's Gonna Work Out Fine", "Smokestack Lightening" and "Stand By Me" exhibited the band's somewhat surprising R&B/soul influences (not quite what I would have expected from a bunch of white guys from St. Paul Park). The overall production qualities were a little on the raw side and their song selections weren't particularly original, but they ran through the set with considerable energy and enthusiasm. It's not exactly the James Brown Revue, but not half bad! Personal favorites - "Mona" (sporting some nice guitar work from Wells) and their spirited "Don't Ask Me What I Say".

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