sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010

TREMELOES Master (CBS, 1970)

"Boola Boola"

Os Tremeloes publicaron "Master" coa intención de resituarse e procurar, dalgún xeito, o  recoñecemento da parte "seria" dos roqueritos da época. A diferencia do sucedido na súa carreira previa, tódolos temas están asinados por dous dos seus membros, o guitarrista Alan Blaikey e o baixista Len Hawkes, e en eles apostan decididamente polos novos tempos, mesturando sen complexos a Hendrix, os Bee Gees máis campestres, C, S & N, Elvis ou Badfinger. Unha sorpresa moi agradable. Adicado a Xavi Philippe

Notas da contraportada

Once in a man's lifetime he may stop, consider and re-weave the fabric of his past. For the TREMELOES, this album is that moment. Its sounds hold no pretensions of musical grandeur, no wild dreams of political revolution. "MASTER" is something else - just good music written, shaped and sent surging in a new direction by one of the best of Britain's pop-rock bands. It took two years in the making, pieced together in a spirit of personal discovery and dedication. Know the Tremeloes or not, listen to "MASTER" and respect its hope. It will change your mind. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Great blog , great post !
    Request : The Tremeloes " Shiner " album .
    Keep posting the great pop !
    - Buck

  2. the tremeloes were genuine musicians who produced enjoyable songs with stong vocals-lively and fun too when playing live-thank you
