luns, 29 de agosto de 2011

NRBQ God Bless Us All (Rounder, 1987)

"Every Boy, Every Girl"

Notas da contraportada

God Bless Us All is unique among live recordings in that it is truly live, drawn entirely from one set, capturing a spontaneous event. Unlike most live albums. there was no set list written, the boys just played whatever seemed right at the time. Also unllke other live albums. the audience was unaware that the performance was being taped so their enthusiasm is genuine. God Bless Us All is a musical snapshot of four very talented friends doing what they like to do best. Listening to them do lt is what I like to do best.
A friend of mine predicts that music whose only inspiration ís vanity and greed will soon leave audiences begging for silence  always leave us begging for more. Bill Scheniman

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