sábado, 12 de xullo de 2014

POOR BOYS - Ain't Nothin' In Our Pocket But Love (Rare Earth, 1970)

"I say this without qualification: This is the the best bubblegum album I've heard in a while, and it didn't originate from the Kasenetz-Katz factory. Full of short, catchy songs, cheesy organ, fuzzy guitar, and occasionally trashy lyrics with falsetto backing vocals, The Poor Boys have it all. Who are these guys, how did they end up on a Motown subsidiary, and where did they promptly disappear to afterward? Well, a trio is pictured on the cover, and several songs are written by an unfamiliar threesome of "R. Fazio, T. Corio, E. Corlis," who I'm guessing must be the group. A bit of Google searching turns up some first names of Robert, Thomas and Edwin, respectively -- but that's about it. In the production chair is the always-reliable Michael Valvano, a familiar name on Motown and other Detroit area productions. And that's about all I can tell you about it. Billboard notations indicate this came out toward the end of 1970, a couple years late for the bubblegum genre, which could be part of why this is so obscure; I wonder if it's another album/band that the label essentially sat on for a time, as with Milwaukee's Messengers?"  Bob Koch

1 comentario:

  1. Thanx Thanx Thanx for your real great Pop Rock , Powerpop and Bubblegum stuff . This blog is very very nice and how i experienced in the past you are a real kind guy . Thanks for this and all the best to you

