sábado, 30 de xullo de 2011

FUNKY JUNCTION Play A Tribute To Deep Purple (Stereo Gold Award Recordings, 1973)

" Strange Kind Of Woman"

Esta mañá non saín coa intención de mercar discos, básicamente porque case nunca aparece nada, pero hoxe vin isto e acabei por convencer ao dono da tenda para que mo deixara a dous euros. Cando cheguei a casa descubrín de que eran Thin Lizzy os que se agachaban tras Funky Junction. Aquí tedes a verdadeira historia dos disco cortesía da Wikipedia.

Funky Junction were an Irish rock band formed in 1972 specifically to record an album of songs made famous by British band Deep Purple. The project was brought about by a German businessman named Leo Muller, who contacted Irish group Thin Lizzy to record the album. The group were not enthusiastic, as they were trying to forge their own style and identity, but they needed the money. Thin Lizzy's vocalist, Phil Lynott, decided that he was unable to sing like Deep Purple vocalist Ian Gillan, so restricted himself to playing bass guitar and singing back-up. The band brought in Benny White, singer with the Dublin group Elmer Fudd, because they generally performed Deep Purple covers during gigs. Thin Lizzy drummer Brian Downey referred to White as "really an Ian Gillan clone". Thin Lizzy did not have a keyboard player in their lineup, so Elmer Fudd's keyboardist Dave "Mojo" Lennox, later in Blodwyn Pig, was also asked to participate. Thin Lizzy guitarist Eric Bell stated that White and Lennox were each paid "around £60" to travel to De Lane Lea Studios in London to record the album.

The makeshift band rehearsed for "two or three hours", according to Downey, before recording the whole album in one day. Nine tracks were recorded, with five being Deep Purple covers. Three others were loosely improvised instrumentals; "Dan" – a version of "Londonderry Air" or "Danny Boy" by Bell in a Jimi Hendrix style; "Rising Sun" – a cover of "The House of the Rising Sun" made popular by The Animals; and the original composition "Palamatoon". The last track on the album was "Corina", credited to Leo Muller, as were the other non-Deep Purple songs.

The album was released in the UK and the USA on the Stereo Gold Award label, and on the Sonic Records label in Germany. For the German release, the band's name was changed to "The Rock Machine" with the album title being changed to "The Rock Machine Play the Best of Deep Purple".

Thin Lizzy were paid £1000 for the recording but their name was entirely omitted from the album, and a photo of a different band was featured on the cover, namely Hard Stuff, who were signed to Deep Purple's own label.

mércores, 27 de xullo de 2011

LINDISFARNE Sleepless Nights (LMP Records, 1982)

 "Love is a pain"

Quen o diría,  pero incluso os folkroqueiros Lindisfarne acabaron por sucumbir ao influxo da new wave dos primeiros oitentas e malia que algunhas cancións non saen ben paradas de tanta modernidade, outras manteñen algún chisco do son clásico do grupo como en "Cruising to disaster", "Same way down",  "Love is a pain" ou "Sunderland boys".

domingo, 24 de xullo de 2011

MAGNUM BONUM Bakom Spegeln (Mercury, 1979)

"Nu Är Du Körd

"Bakom Spegeln" foi o segundo elepé editado polos suecos Magnum Bonum, grupo que practicaba rock máis ou menos clásico e que foron bastante populares no seu propio país cunha canción adicada ao emerxente skateboard. Por aquí son lembrados sobre todo pola súa aparición co tema "Lover Boy" nunha compilación de new wave titulada "On the wave" publicada só en España e que tiña como obxectivo a presentación dalgúns dos grupos do catálogo de Polydor que comulgaban co xénero. O tema que máis me gustou é o que aparece no reproductor.

martes, 19 de xullo de 2011

THE SKYCRAPPERS Beat Party (Concert Hall, 1971)

"It Don't Come Easy"

Tras esta atractiva portada se esconde un intento más o menos cutre de explotar el éxito de "The Concert for Bangladesh", reduciendo el triple Lp original a algo más manejable artística y económicamente. Los fantáticos de Bob y George verán algo de sentidiño en todo esto porque yo sólo aprecié cositas en el "It Don't Come Easy" de Ringo. Para ser sinceros compré el disco para salir de dudas de lo que se escondía bajo el atractivo título de "Meditation Raga" pero tampoco respondió a las expectativas. Un elepé titulado "Bangla Desh" atribuído a The Tribe y publicado por Pickwick, incluye estas mismas canciones pero en distinto orden.

sábado, 16 de xullo de 2011

GLYN JOHNS Like Grains of Yellow Sands - Little Child (Sonoplay, 1967)

"Like Grains of Yellow Sands"

Glyn Johns vive hoxe plácidamente retirado en Pinilla, Albacete, pero cando era máis novo e antes de se converter  en inxenieiro de son e produtor de grande sona , fixo  as seus tentativas como cantante. "Like Grains Of Yellow Sand" foi osegundo dos sinxelos publicados en España polo selo Sonoplay.


Glyn Johns llegó a Madrid en 1966 junto a un pequeño contingente de compatriotas británicos, los grupos The End y The Mode (más el rolling stone Bill Wyman, benefactor de The End), que habían sido reclutados por el productor Adolfo Waitzman para publicar discos en el sello Sonoplay, al que también pertenecían entonces Miguel Ríos y los venezolanos Los Impala, entre otros. Johns había grabado previamente como cantante solista en su patria, aunque sería mucho más conocido después por sus labores como ingeniero de sonido y productor. El contacto con los ingleses se realizó a través de la esposa británica de Adolfo Waitzman, Sandra LeBrocq, que había crecido en el mismo barrio de Londres que los músicos de The End. Pepe García Lloret "Psicodelia, hippies y underground en España (1965-1968)"


Hugh Oliver and Glyn Johns were neighbours prior to Glyn establishing himself famously as a recording engineer with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The two often composed songs together. Hugh wrote the lyrics and Glyn wrote the music for "Like Grains of Yellow Sand" which was arranged and produced by Tony Meehan and appeared as the B side of Mary Anne on the Immediate label (IM013) on 11th November 1965. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones in their pre-Led Zeppelin days played on the record as session musicians. In 1967, the song charted as an A side in Spain. On the Spanish recording of the song, as Hugh recalls, " The Beatles did a little rinky-tinky in the background". Hugh refers to two recordings of the song. He seems to be referring to the Immediate 1965 release as the 1963 EMI recording. Geordie Wilson

domingo, 3 de xullo de 2011

I CAMALEONTI Io Per Lei (EP, Epic, 1968)

"Il Pittore"

Este Ep dos milaneses I Camaleonti inclúe catro temas aparecidos no seu LP de 1968 "Io per lei" e malia que "Applausi"  é un dos momentos máis celebrados da historia do grupo, hoxe escollemos esta adaptación do "Pictures Of Matchstick Men" dos Status Quo. As outras pezas son tamén versións. "Homburg" dos Procol Harum. e "Io per lei", un tema de Bob Crewe que fixera popular o ano anterior Franki Valli e que en Italia funcionou moi ben, de feito ese mesmo ano Gianni Morandi e Patty Pravo tamén fixeron a súa propia lectura.