Detrás del único elepé de Roxy estaba la inquieta figura de Bob Segarini que junto a Jim De Cocq acababan de abandonar a The Family Tree que dejaron para la posteridad un agradable disco "Miss Butters". La otra figura relevante era el bajista Randy Bishop que participaría con Segarini en futuros proyectos. En cuanto a las canciones, decir que no hay hit-singles, pero algunos temas como "Yesterday's Song" o " "Love Love Love" están realmente bien. Las siguientes aventuras de Segarini incluirían a The Wackers, The Dudes e incluso una decente carrera en solitario que pronto recuperaremos
Bob Segarini Says: The Roxy album was being done while we were on tour. We were in new york when I got a phone call from William Harvey - the art director at Electra. The picture on the back of the Roxy album was the one that we thought was going to be on the cover. So, Bill calls me up and says "Well be shipping the album in a week or so and I just wanted to let you know that we made some changes to the cover. Keeping with the theme of rock and roll circus," and he paused, "we've added this little clown." I say "How little?" and he says "You wont even notice it." Ten days later or so, we get the album and much to our surprise, the clown is the entire cover. So, not only are we on the cover - as tiny as mice - the art director - the guy who instigated this whole thing and John Haeny and Ed Caraeff are all on the cover too. Not the back - the fucking front cover.

1 comentario:
Guauuuu!! que bien suenan, te felicito por descubrirme cosas nuevas, un saludo alicantino amigo c
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